Acne is a
disease which is common in males as well as females. During this disease, pimples appear on the face and leave some scars after some time. This happens because of Genetical change in human beings. Read about Acne or keel Muhasay in Urdu and some natural ways to get rid of acne scars on the face.
Our skin gets oily when the sebaceous glands excretion increases at a high rate. There are many factors which play an important role in making the skin oily i.e increase in hormones level, humidity in the air and food, excessive use of cosmetics. But most of all inheritance factor is involved because most of the people inherit such skins that are oily and cause in the increase of pimples and acne. Generally the oily skin problems start at young age but it can also occur in any age. There is no such treatment that can completely prevent skin from being oily.